Interested colleagues are invited to submit
contributions to the SPECIAL SESSION:
Springs and small streams: understudied and under-protected
key habitats for biodiversity conservation
SIL2007 (30th Congress of the International Association
of Theoretical and Applied Limnology). Montréal,
Canada, 12-18 August 2007
Session organizers:
Dr Marco Cantonati, Trento Science Museum, Limnology and
Phycology Section, Trento, Italy & Prof John S. Richardson,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Session motivation and description
The biological communities of small streams and springs
are distinctive, and more than simply a nested subset of
species found downstream. Springs are considered special
habitats by all running water classification systems in
recognition of their marked environmental stability and
generally low degree of pollution. They are however much
less studied than other freshwater habitats. The processes
that provide habitat conditions suitable for specialized
taxa have often only been described in general terms. Advances
in testing physical, chemical and biological mechanisms
that select amongst taxa have started to demonstrate the
roles of hydraulic and other physical processes that set
habitat constraints. As applied problems emerge, it is increasingly
important to strengthen fundamental knowledge on these environments.
Indeed, springs and groundwater-fed streams are often under-protected
in some landscapes (e.g. managed forests), while in others
they are increasingly threatened by capture for drinking
water use (European Alps).
This session will explore the distinctiveness of the biological
and physical systems, as well as how these are affected
by various kinds of management. The links (or absence thereof)
to broader policy, such as the Clean Water Act (USA) and
the Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) will also be considered.
Initiatives for an improved international cooperation in
spring-research will be explored.
Keynote speakers: Prof Eugen Rott, University
of Innsbruck, Austria:
Headwater streams: Biodiversity and conservation aspects.
Dr Reinhard Gerecke, University of Tübingen, Germany:
Spring habitats: the biota and pros for long-term ecological
Les Alpes sont le château d'eau de l'Europe. Dans aucune
autre région, il y a la naissance de tellement des sources
comme dans la région des Alpes. Ce pour ça que nous
nous avons donné pour tâche de réaliser un
system d'information spécialement pour les sources des